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Connected Confidence

When you make the decision to invest in yourself, you are giving yourself the permission to grow, to evolve - to be ALL YOU CAN BE!


Connected Confidence will empower you with Clarity around your menopause journey, a deeper Connection to self and other as well as UNSHAKEABLE CONFIDENCE and self-belief.


The container is available as a 3 or 6 month package.


If you are looking for personalised support, in a safe and non-judgemental space - you've found it.

Confidence in MENOPAUSE

Confidence in SELF

Confidence in your VOICE

Confidence in WORK & BUSINESS

💗 This is not just another 'coaching program' 
💗 This is a safe space
💗 This is fluid and intuitive mentoring
💗 This is working TOGETHER 

Because no one size fits all! 

We go at YOUR pace. 

You'll receive whatever you need in that moment. 

I mentor purely from the heart - there's no hidden agenda or judgement here. 


Everything you think about life, in and after menopause, is about to be flipped!

You’ll see this time of life through new eyes and with an incredible sense of worth. 

With my unique approach, extensive life experiences and heart-led coaching skills, I can empower you to be completely at ease with who you are, be brave and bold with your decisions and live your best (menopausal) life!

No matter what you believe right now (you're too old to be bold, you can't ‘do this’, what you want is impossible to achieve), trust that this is simply your brain trying to keep you ‘safe’, to stop you from venturing into the unknown, to move out of your comfort zone - to stop you LIVING TO THE FULLEST.

But your brain can be retrained!

In working with me at this level, you'll gain confidence like never before!

You'll have a renewed sense of self and purpose.

You'll have the clarity to bring your vision to life.

And together we'll work towards building your dreams -
whatever they may be! 

It's time to engage
WARRIOR MODE and reclaim your life -
I'm ready for YOU and menopause cannot stop you! 

This is for you if you..

Image by Michael Dziedzic

you want clarity

you want connection

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you want confidence

You want to know more about the basics of menopause
You're struggling to explain things to your friends, family, employer or gp
You're finding it difficult to cope at work or in your business
You want to use your knowledge and experience to educate or help others
You want to use your voice to have an impact

Only what you need...

This is where it's over to you!

You get to choose!

You may be ALL IN and want everything I have to offer or you may just need a few essentials right now.

And this is why my container is FULLY FLEXIBLE!

Think of it like 'pick n mix'!

Take what you want right now, come back for more later or fill your bag to the brim!

Your personal container will be fully bespoke.

Your 3 or 6 months with me will be EXACTLY what you need in this moment - NO FILLERS!

Coaching, mentoring, training and support - it's all available to you.

You can even switch it up part way through if you feel you need to focus your energy in other areas.

Your options

Here are full details of the COMPLETE Connected Confidence container.
You can choose to focus on one area, the full offering or 'pick n mix' from the list! And if you're not sure, just book your free Clarity Call and I can help you work out what's best for you right now.

Confidence in Menopause

Clarity will provide you with up-to-date menopause information so you can get crystal clear on your own journey.



Stages and symptoms of menopause

Treatments and therapies



Confidence in Self

Connection is where you dig deep and fall in love with the new you!

You will learn how to intuitively find your purpose and self-belief, discover mindset mastery so you can navigate any future obstacles with ease and live your menopausal years as the very best version of yourself!

You'll be empowered with acceptance and the ability to connect with this 'new version of you' plus you’ll receive a toolbox of techniques and solutions to alleviate symptoms and make your menopause more manageable.



Mindset mastery


Grounding & visualisation

The reframe


Dig Deep

Inner work & acceptance

Body talks!

Meet the Old Crone

Holistic techniques


Life & lifestyle
Making adjustments
The bigger picture


Intention setting
Defining goals

Smashing limiting beliefs

The Trinity Technique
Take action!



Confidence in your Voice


This is where it all comes together and you can unleash your voice! Use it to have yourself heard - be it at home, at work or by your gp.



Know your subject

Advocate for yourself

Be an authority


 And when you’re ready - use your voice to educate, inspire and support others...



Confidence in Business


This section will not be for everyone!


But if you are keen to have a bigger impact and use your skills to build or grow an online business - you are absolutely in the right place.


Split into a further 4 key areas, we'll cover everything you need including mindset, social media basics, effective networking and even how to further scale your business!



The BIG Idea

Helping you understand exactly what your unique offering is, it will guide you through the fundamentals of starting an online business taking you from the initial 'dream' through to having a tangible and recognisable personal brand. 

What's your WHY?
Practical planning
Crafting your mission
Value your values
Discover your USP
Nail your niche
Build your brand 

Marketing Mastery

Here's where you'll learn the essentials of website building, email campaigns and other marketing tools. It will also teach you the most effective social media skills, social networking and how to build that loyal fanbase! This is what will elevate your brand online and give you maximum impact within your niche.

Brand visibility & engagement
Storytelling for success
Crafting captivating content
Beat the algorithm
Mastering messaging 
Drafting your DMO
Websites & automation
Time management

Coaching Success

I will teach you all you need to know about becoming an intuitive menopause coach, using your story, experience and knowledge to guide others.

What is coaching?
Tried & tested techniques
Defining your method
Mind your language!
Crafting your MENOfesto
Relationship building
Heirarchies & Archetypes
Problem solving
Fear & limiting beliefs
Goal setting
Let’s tell the world!
Preparing for your first client

Scale Up

Learn how to level up your business model and reach more people by building an online program tailored to your niche! This is the key to growth! Learn how to structure a program, how to build it, market it, sell it AND deliver it!

Pick your subject
Style & Structure
Build it
Market it
Sell it
Deliver it!
Go evergreen


Container 1

Confidence in Menopause

Container 2

Confidence in Self

Container 3

Confidence in your Voice

Container 4

Confidence in Business

Business 1

The BIG Idea

Business 2

Marketing Mastery

Business 3

Coaching Success

Business 4

Scale Up

What you'll receive

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Exclusive bonuses...

A signed copy of my 'Clarity, Connection, Confidence' book
pdf version of the 'CCC Journal'
Free access to my Sleep Solutions program
A welcome pack filled with goodies to help
throughout your journey with me

Social Media Profile Review and Feedback 
'Content Creation' Cheat Sheet 
'Build your Brand' ebook 
1 hour time management training recording 
Branding brainstorming session
logo creation
Business launch in the menopausitivity magazine

As well as these if you choose
Confidence in Business...

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Meet your Confidence Coach!

I am now 48 and in post-menopause. I have experienced almost all of the known symptoms of menopause including fatigue, brain fog and weight gain as well as experiencing multiple job losses, divorce and relocation - all contributing to a huge loss of confidence.


However, over the last 2 years, I have created unlimited confidence for myself, I am proud to be a menopause warrior and I'm truly grateful to be able to share my own voice, to raise awareness and empower others.


Menopause is now ever present in my life - it's my absolute mission!


I'm an Accredited Coach and have developed my own unique style, a hybrid approach that is then tailored to YOU.


I will give you the tools you need to create unshakeable belief and confidence in yourself - enabling you to become your best self!

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